Sunday, July 12, 2009

Define the following concepts and establish their relationship: A. power B. wealth C.status?

do i need to?

power brings wealth,

wealth implies staus,

status implies power

Define the following concepts and establish their relationship: A. power B. wealth C.status?
Weatlth brings power witch brings status
Reply:One word;apparatus
Reply:Power = The ability to get things done and to get others to do what you want.

Wealth = Usually money and material posessions. Were not in Tibet so I'll stop there.

Status = One's percieved place in society or amongst any group of people.

Status is sometimes linked with the other two but not always. It can also change for the same individual depending on circumstances and surroundings. The CEO of a Fortune 500 company has status within his company but if that same CEO is at a taven where he is not known his status would be, in that situation, lower than a well known and like regular although his overall status in society has not changed. Basically status is very dependant on peoples perception.

Power primarialy relies on some sort of persuasion. It can be hard (a boss threating to fire you) or soft (a lovers gentle request after sex). In modern society (read those countries without slavery) power must be given. It cannot be taken. Most think that those who are powerful have some ability they do not that lets them make others do what they wish them do. In reality the ability is in either getting others to want to do as they wish or putting them in a position where the alternatives are more unpleasant than what is requested.

Wealth is bling bling. You know it when you see it.

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