Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Plz tell me how to make a user defined libraries in c programming??

In C, you can create two types of libraries: static or shared.

Static libraries are those which the compiler will bind at compile time while shared (or dynamic) libraries may also be linked at runtime.

With shared libraries, you can have multiple C programms running using the same library once thus reducing memory usage (this is the concept of DLLs under Windows and .a under unix/linux.

Have a look at this great online tutorial that brings you into the deeps of this matter:


Plz tell me how to make a user defined libraries in c programming??
just u make a header file by adding extention as .h

eg(filename.h) and insert the code what ever u wanted and then include the file in ur source program


#inlcude "userdefined.h"

it is a good practice only to place the small functions in the header files

a set of header files termed as library

hope it would help u if not cantact me



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