Sunday, July 12, 2009

How would you define poker hands like 4 of a kind, flush, straight in C++ and how would you compare them?

Here is what I did so far:

// Royal Flush

int rf, RoyalFlush = 15;

for (int rf = 0; rf %26lt; 5; rf++)


if ((rf[0] == 1 %26amp;%26amp; rf[1] == 10 %26amp;%26amp; rf[2] == 11 %26amp;%26amp; rf[3] == 12 %26amp;%26amp; rf[4] == 13)||

(rf[0] == 14 %26amp;%26amp; rf[1] == 23 %26amp;%26amp; rf[2] == 24 %26amp;%26amp; rf[3] == 25 %26amp;%26amp; rf[4] == 26)||

(rf[0] == 27 %26amp;%26amp; rf[1] == 36 %26amp;%26amp; rf[2] == 37 %26amp;%26amp; rf[3] == 38 %26amp;%26amp; rf[4] == 39)||

(rf[0] == 40 %26amp;%26amp; rf[1] == 49 %26amp;%26amp; rf[2] == 50 %26amp;%26amp; rf[3] == 51 %26amp;%26amp; rf[4] == 52)||


player1card[rf] = RoyalFlush;

// Four of a Kind

int fk, FourKind = 14;

for (int fk = 0; fk %26lt; 5; fk++)




// Straignt

int n = 0, straignt = 10;

player2Num[n]%13 = J;

if(player2Num[n+1]%13 = (Jay +1);


if(player2Num[n+2]%13 = (Jay +2);


if(player2Num[n+3]%13 = (Jay +3);


if(player2Num[n+4]%13 = (Jay +4);




player2card = Straigh

How would you define poker hands like 4 of a kind, flush, straight in C++ and how would you compare them?
Here's how I remembered doing it when I was in highschool. I randomized 52 numbers to represent the cards and put them into an array. my array would look something like this

[43,5,12,24,33,37,9.... and so on until all 52 number has been allocated]

there i divided them using the n / 13 to sort them into their suit (0=hearts,1=diamond,2=club,3=clover), and n % 13 to get the card #. like say i got the number 43, so 43/ and i get the remainder by using 43 % 4, so that would make the card the 4 of club..

so then with everything sorted, i'll take/pop 5 cards out of the array/stack and analyze their suit and numbers.

a flush for example

if ( int(card1/13) == int(card2/13) %26amp;%26amp; int(card2/13) == int(card3/13) %26amp;%26amp; int(card3/13) == int(card4/13) %26amp;%26amp; int(card4/13) == int(card5/13) ) {



a straight is a tad more difficult

assigning a card from my array

i=0; // index


i++; //do so for all the other 4 cards or make a loop for it.

check the range of one card to see if all the others is within its range. say



if (card2 %26gt; rangex || card2 %26lt; rangey) {

cout %26lt;%26lt; "not a straight";


check to see that all the card is different so like

if (card1 != card2 %26amp;%26amp; card1 != card3 // and so on.


straight = 1;


if i had time, i would've put the 5 cards into an array and sort

them then check if the number is incremented by 1 after every iteration.

combine this with the flush and if both ring out true, then you've got a royal flush.

if (flush %26amp;%26amp; straight) {



my program was actually a blackjack game, so sorry if my way of doing thing is wrong.

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