Sunday, July 12, 2009

How do we make (#define) in Java ?

In C++, we use #define to define macros. How can we do it in Java ?

Can it be used as function like in C++? (for example : #define square(x)=(x)*(x) )

How do we make (#define) in Java ?
The define statment is a preprocessor statment that replace an argument with another argument.usually after #import.

I'll explain in C


#define print printf

#define x 16

#define y a+x

The complier find those argument that matches and convert them into the constant/alogrithm/string that was #define.

The closest that I can come to making a define statment in java is

private static final (int,long) that cause the agrument to be a contstant.

I use a class to provide for the alogrithm though.

If you know how to #define in java Please add in Details :)
Reply:you need an external preprocessor to be able to define in java. Report It

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